Learn why Alaska’s judicial selection and retention system is the envy of the nation

Walter “Bud” Carpeneti

Alaska’s former Chief Justice of the Alaska Supreme Court talks about Alaska’s judicial system and how judges are selected and retained. This film was produced for the Justice Not Politics Alaska organization.

Anchorage business owner Eric McCallum on Alaska’s justice system

Former Alaska Judicial Council member Eleanor Andrews on the judicial selection system

Pastor Julia Seymour talks about how Alaska's current justice system affects the people she serves.

Former Alaska Attorney General Mike Geraghty speaks out against changes to Alaska’s judicial selection and retention system

Retired Alaska Judge Elaine Andrews on how Alaska’s judicial system keeps money and politics out of our courts.

Longtime Alaskan Vic Fischer shares his perspective as a constitutional delegate.

Retired Alaska lawyer and business owner Barbara Hood on Alaska’s judicial selection system

Alaska Federation of Natives’ Nicole Borromeo on how the state judicial system protects the interests of Alaskans

Former Alaska Judicial Council member Bill Gordon speaks out against changes to Alaska’s judicial selection and retention system

Justice Not Politics Alaska: Why Alaska’s judicial selection and retention system is the envy of the nation